Spiderman Trilogy

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Been rewatching the Spiderman trilogy since yesterday, and remembering how good the first movie was. Number two and three don't quite live up to it, even if the third was an improvement.

It just felt like they were trying really hard to be funny in the sequels. Especially in the second one, where there was so much personal problems for Peter Parker that there was barely any room for the super hero action. In the third film there's a scene with a planned proposal, and everything just seems to go wrong. If that scene had gone on one second longer it would have turned into a bad american rom com disaster.

However, I shouldn't be too harsch, because on the whole I think it's three pretty excellent movies who don't get enough credit for good story-telling. It's just the fact that the original was so perfect, which makes the other two seem bleek in comparison.

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they made three of them?

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