Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Don't tell the children


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This recent article in the Sun got me a bit angry, but not for same reason most people got upset, I would guess. The article is about the younger sister of Scotland's youngest mum, who herself fell pregnant aged just twelve. The quote that annoyed me was the following:

"The girl is nothing more than a child herself, yet she's talking about drink, drugs and sex. She shouldn't even know about these things at her age."

And now, here's one big part of the problem. "She shouldn't even know." Adults are so scared to talk to their children about embarrassing things that they go find out things their own way. Honestly, just cause you don't tell your eleven year old what sex is yourself doesn't mean she's going to stay innocent and ignorant to all parts of the forbidden adult world forever, okay?

I know of so many girls who had their first periods quite early and no one told them it was gonna happen. Usually, they're terrified! They think they did something wrong, or have a dangerous disease, or are being punished by God, or that they're dirty and disgusting. When in fact, what happens to them is very normal and happens to every girl on the planet. Wouldn't you like them to know that? Sometimes they will hide it and not tell anyone, out of embarrassment, trying to get rid of the blood with tissues when they could just have told their mum and had all the sanitary products they needed.

Same goes for sex and drugs, you know. Children need the correct information from the right place, they do. If you don't tell them exactly how things work they will go find out for themselves. Children are curious. They will see references to sex and drugs on tv and all around them, they will ask their friends about it, they will try things for themselves.

Please don't be scared to let your children know about the world. You might think a ten year old knows nothing but they do. I'm still young enough to remember what it was like. They can take it, you're not gonna ruin their minds by letting them know about what drugs can do to a person or teaching them about safe sex. The risk of them finding out things the wrong way or getting their facts mixed up is far greater if you don't educate them.

Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is dangerous and we must fight it.