Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts

Feed the birds


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I had the strangest dream. I think I'm gonna write them down from now on, because they slip out of your mind so quickly, don't they?

In my dream, me and Allen were alone at a place I didn't recognize. We were looking out at a beautiful view and it was all very sad, even if I couldn't put my finger on why. It felt like when we used to be in a long-distance relationship, like one of those times I'd been there for maybe two weeks and it was now time to go home, for another looong three months of being apart. Except, it kinda felt even worse, like we were going apart forever and there was nothing we could do about it. Very sad. For some reason we started taking pictures of the view, to not forget that moment, like it was important.

I think all of this dream happened while I was oversleeping, my alarm had gone of at 7am but I fell back asleep. Finally at about 7.20am, a bird popped up in my dream. He sang to me, "feed the birds, save the pokemon, feed the birds, save the pokemon", and it was as if I figured out the purpose of life in that moment (you know how things feel in dreams). So I opened my eyes and woke up, with the clear thought in my mind, "that's right, I can't oversleep, I need to wake up and feed the bird-pokemon!!"

So yeah... wtf? LOL.

Paper birds


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More birds, originally uploaded by Lisa Swahn.
Low quality cell phone picture, just to document some paper birds I made today. Cut out with scissors from folded white A4 sheets.

300 mm Zoom yeahh!


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Lent a massive 300 mm zoom lens from school to get some better bird shots, it was fun! Alot easier in one way but pretty hard all the same, ended up working with manual focus which can be a pain if you're off by just a little. Took more than 600 pics on the wednesday so some were bound to be good, right?

See more bird pics with the big zoom in my new flickr set here.

Seagulls on rock


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Soon time to go to bed, last day of Easter Break so tomorrow it's back to school and work. We've been taking a lot of walks for bird pictures this weekend, it's been pretty fun and some turned out real nice. Now I'm tired. Night!

(see more bird pics in a set on flickr here.)