Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Lost in html


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Spent all morning arranging my teacher blog, adding link squares to info sections at the top. Think it looks pretty nice now, and hopefully all the links are leading to the right places. Phew.

It's in Swedish only, but if anyone wants to check it out, click here. Does it look okay in your browsers? Always hard to know what it will look like for someone with a different sized screen.

About me and contact


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Follow my blog with bloglovin

Now I've updated the blog with two new pages, about me and contact, for you folk who are extremely friggin interested.

In school doing Swedish class today, literature history. Gonna start an assignment on Jules Verne, gonna be kinda nice I think. Got some blogs coming up maye later or tomorrow.

New blog!


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Yeah I'm bored of tumblr now, it wasn't the best blog host. Plus Allen is totally making me jealous with his new domain so... real shocker, I'm copying him. Sue me. :)

Time to start fresh, I need to keep a personal blog apart from the Swedish one I have. Sometimes things need to come out in English.

Now, time to pimp out the blog.